*Second time*!
They say it's okay to make mistakes as long as you're not repeating them, but I think I'm a bit slow on the uptake.
I was even extra careful to note that I should water my plants with *cold* water, repeating the directions in my head (yes, I need directions on watering plants). Still, I failed.
I actually even noticed while watering one of the plants that the water sprinkler felt a little warm. Being me, I automatically thought that I was:
a) extremely warm-hearted, warm-natured and therefore was lending this magical warm power into the plants
b) that the water jug was magical.
I kid you not. I need to grow up and use my brain.
Apparently, I have been told it's often better to water plants with water at temperatures similar to their environment. One of my old coworkers told me she just leaves the water jug filled around the house so the temperature is the same as what the indoor plants are accustomed to, and then use that for watering. To be honest, I ALWAYS forget and then end up just using lukewarm tapwater anyway =P