Monday, January 24, 2011


Alternating between feeling apathetic and full of dread this week. I haven't completely caught up to real world yet and I'm in between "what-does-it-even-matter" and "oh-my-stomach-feels-so-queasy-and-scary".

It's that kind of dread where you wake up in the middle of the night wondering if you had a paper due the next day that you forgot and your stomach flip-flops even after you realize that the paper is due next week not tomorrow.

Or that hanging feeling you have while treading water but you're oh-so-tired and everything below you is so deep and dark, and could that possibly be something moving underneath yo--SHARK! feeling.

Ah, give me the life of the robot. My laziness knows no bounds.

Anyway, while I'm here to clear up thoughts, let me make some quick resolutions for this year.

1. Eat more healthily: more water! more fruits!
2. Think more carefully before I speak
3. Attempt more art

*I really should at least accomplish one of these in this year...

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