so a new year has started for school and the same thing happens every year. I totally feel unmotivated, which means I'm constantly testing deadlines and pushing myself to the limit. Not in a good way. So this means you'll find me sitting at the computer for ten hours trying to convince myself to do my work until it's the next day and I finish it in half an hour expecting just as good results as if I spent hours on it. I make the future me so angry with the past me.
It'll probably look like this if timelines with past me, present me and future me existed together:
Present Me lazing around the internet (probably looking at fluffy animals looking fluffy on Youtube): "Aw man, Future Me is going to be sooo pissed that I'm not doing something productive. Future Me is totally going to curse me for not even looking at my agenda. Future Me is going to be screwed about that deadline tomorrow. In fact, I'm pissed at Past Me from five minutes ago already; WHY DIDN'T I EVEN START ANYTHING ALREADY? OMG, which totally makes me SUPER ANGRY at FIVE SECOND AGO PAST ME... because I'm still angsting about this without starting my work still!!"
And yeah, you can see, it's not pretty when I'm just harrassing myself about working... instead of, you know, working.
So anyway, recently I completely screwed myself over 2% of my grade because I didn't do an online post for a class (and yet I did an online post for a class that is Pass and Fail... Priorities, what are they?) and instead spent three beautiful days doing a Community show marathon.
Best three days of my life.
Best three regretful days of my life (when I think hard about it... but I won't).
But before anyone judges, I totally spent those three days productive in another manner... and no, not productive in a Community Marathon manner, which also counts, but I actually accomplished something! I've always told my sister to watch the show but she consistently remarked that the show sucked and it wasn't her humour. Well, anyway, I'm a tenacious being (in some aspects of life, mainly where homework isn't concerned //this is totally going to bite me in the butt when I become a teacher.) so I thought to slowly INCEPTION her into loving the show (because I'm a loving sister and believe good things MUST be shared... and I also can procrastinate like MAD). The way I inceptioned her into loving the show was to reluctantly play Monopoly Deal with her only if she allowed me to choose a show to put on as background noise. So slowly as we played Monopoly Deal, and I demonstrated how distracting and awesome the show was, she was slowly hooked. And that was all we did together for THREE days, watch NONSTOP Community. It was easily the best sister bonding moment ever.
I tell you, some things are worth more accomplishment wise. 2%? Nah! Getting your sister to love Community? TOTALLY FTW! :D
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