Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dating tips from my Father

Maybe my parents are getting desperate about me because just today while on the way to work me and my dad had a conversation about dating. He told me it was time for me to get a boyfriend and to show interest in the opposite sex. I mentioned how I just wasn't interested in anyone right now and neither was anyone interested in me. He insisted that if I showed interest in guys they would be interested back (I think he totally missed the part where I mentioned I wasn't interested in anyone right now). So, just out of interest I provided a hypothetical situation where I said "what if the guy I like already has a girlfriend?"

Dad: "Well... it's not like they're married right?"
Me: "..."
Dad: "Go for it! Take a Chance, take initiative! He may not like her that much anyway!"
Me: "So, you're okay with your daughter breaking up relationships?"
Dad: "No relationship is a confirmed thing till you're married!"
Me: "Wow."
Dad: "I read this book where this fat girl was writing about how girls like her need to be aggressive and make advances or else they'll never get a guy!"
Me: "Are you calling me fat?"
Dad: ""

Now I know my dad is desperate enough to support me in stealing boyfriends.

My face for the day: o__O

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