Here are some:
"If you could be any creature in the world, what would it be?"
-I would be a great blue whale, because they are graceful and peaceful despite their size. Also, no predator can attack me because I would be huge.
"If you could be any predator in the world, what would it be?"
-I would be the great white shark because I admire their vicious, solitary nature. They seem to have a very single-minded behaviour, therefore their voracious mannerisms seems all the more determined and extreme.
I don't know too much about them, but I like the idea I have of them.
"If you could live in any mythical world, where would you live?"
-If by mythical as in legends, I would live in the world of Atlantis underwater. However, if it was a fictional world I would probably live in the world of Damar in the book "The Blue Sword".
"What is your favourite book that you wish you were the only person to love it?"
-The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
"What are your favourite authors that you cherish the most?"
- Roald Dahl, L.M. Montgomery, Robin McKinley are three. Probably more, but I love these two for creating worlds that I want to live in.
"What type of books do you enjoy reading or are drawn to?"
-Good science fiction and fantasy. I also love reading warped fairy tales. I think those are my favourites.
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